Sunday, May 12, 2013

2nd May 2013, Leaving Home

Home, shortly before leaving

My ferry booking to Venice was due to leave Patras at midnight on 2nd May.  I had all day to pack the car and dawdle the 250 kms or so drive to the ferry port so chose to set my Sat-Nav to ‘shortest’ rather than ‘fastest’ route.  After having a serious problem finding a B&B in the residential back streets Reggio Calabria last year I bought a Garmin Sat-Nav.  The drive this year to Patras was its first meaningful test, a test it passed with flying colours.  This incredible gadget led me along empty roads through beautiful mountain villages where preparations for the Orthodox Church Easter were busily under way.  In the shade of leafy glades the slaughter, flaying and disemboweling of pascal kids and lambs was quietly taking place before entire families; rituals which, possibly by millennia, pre-date the Orthodox and all other Christian churches.

Country road, Northern Peloponnese.

The Ferry departed on time and, after an uneventful journey, I arrived at Venice early on Saturday 4th May, on time in Venice.

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